“I feel like the luckiest lady alive.”
“Love is a choice, not just a feeling.”
“Hey, that girl you were with, is that a serious thing or a summer thing? If it is a summer thing, do you mind if I take her out?”
“It was definitely love at first sight!”
From California to Texas to New York, seniors 75-years-old and older gave youngsters some invaluable love advice this Valentine’s Day.
Nine couples residing in senior living communities were willing to share their stories about love, commitment, and advice on how their relationships have stood the test of time.
We can learn so much from listening to other couples tell their stories about how they met, fell in love, and how they keep the spark going. From newlyweds to hopeful singles and those married for years, they inspire us all.
Joseph and Myrle G.
Arlington, TX
Joseph G. and Myrle C. met at their independent living community, Town Village Crossing, in Arlington, TX in 2021.
Joseph lived at Town Village Crossing with his wife Mary; however, she sadly passed away in May 2020. Joseph thought he would never meet anyone again and he was certainly not looking. When Myrle moved in July 2021, she was not looking either.

Joseph and Myrle met at the Praise & Worship Service on Tuesday nights inside Town Village Crossing. The next time they saw each other was at dinner while sharing a table with other residents.
When Joseph got sick, Myrle looked after him, “playing nurse, maid, and Uber driver,” as she says! Their first kiss was when Joe was in the hospital.
They were engaged on Wednesday, October 13, 2021, during happy hour at the community. Joseph asked Cholly Gordon, the community’s Life Enrichment Director, to get his favorite entertainer, Andy Garino, to come sing.
In the middle of happy hour, Garino played “Love Me Tender,” and at the end of the song, Joseph got down on one knee (his 82-year-old knee!), and proposed. Then a dance to “I Love How You Love Me” followed. Myrle wants people to know that, “He went to Jared’s!”
They were married on Sunday, December 12, 2021, inside Town Village Crossing and are still happily together.
Glenn and Patsy T.
Paso Robles, CA
Residents at Creston Village in Paso Robles, CA recently helped a special couple celebrate 73 years together.
When asked what their secret is to maintaining such a beautiful relationship, Glenn replied,
“We were married November 18, 1949, in Avenal, California. That was 73 years ago. We think we have had a great life together and still do. We are thankful for this.”

“We always work together to help each other meet our needs and put each other first,” says Patsy. “It’s always been very important to be honest with one another. It hasn’t always been easy. We have been through many hardships, illnesses, troubles, and disagreements, but we face them together along with the Lord’s help getting us through.”
Glenn and Patsy feel that the best thing they have shared has been being blessed with five children.
“Now, we have 13 grandchildren, 14 great-grandchildren, and one great-great-grandchild,” says Patsy. “Glenn and I love and cherish the time we have shared with them.”

Glenn and Patsy believe that to make a marriage work, you must remember and stand by your wedding vows. Love is a choice, not just a feeling. They shared that it’s important to choose love even in the bad and hard times and to remember that no one is perfect, even you!
Vernon and Lois B.
Brandon, MS
Senior living community, Castlewoods Place was honored to host the wedding of 86-year-old Vernon Blair B. and 90-year-old Lois Ann F. on Saturday, September 24, 2022 at 140 Castlewoods Blvd., Brandon, MS 39047.
Lois is from Tunica, MS and Vernon is from Luxora, AK. She was a registered nurse after graduating from Mississippi College. Vernon graduated from Southern Miss and was a Marine Corps. Captain for 20 years. Afterwards, he was a USPS mail carrier for 25 years.

They met in June 2022 at Castlewoods Place. In their words, “We met by dancing to our favorite songs at community socials and it grew from there!”
Approximately 75-80 people were in attendance for their special day, including the bride and groom’s families, as well as the Castlewoods Place community.
When asked about their marriage, the couple shared that it’s important to love each other, take care of each other, and always believe that marriage is forever.
They feel they’re a great match for each other. “She’s a mighty fine lady, very intelligent,” says Vernon. “We hit it off and we like the same things, and he was military,” says Lois. They are both happy they found each other.
Alan and Betty O.
Brockport, NY
When Alan and Betty O. first met, it was love at first sight. Alan and Betty have been married for 68 years. They celebrated their 69th anniversary on December 26, 2022.

The two young lovebirds originally met on a double date when Alan was home from college for the summer. However, they were not with each other on the date. They were each dating someone else. During the double date, Alan and Betty caught each other’s eye. Alan even snuck a quick grab of Betty’s hand while they were on the date.
Being so drawn to Betty, Alan asked his buddy, “Hey, that girl you were with, is that a serious thing or a summer thing? If it is a summer thing, do you mind if I take her out?” As it turned out, it was not serious between Betty and Alan’s friend. Ultimately, Alan and Betty got together and became engaged.

When Alan had to return to school, they were separated for three months. They missed each other so much and it was difficult to spend that much time apart. When Alan came back for Christmas break, they got married on the day after Christmas. After they were married, Betty came back to school with Alan.
The couple has been inseparable ever since. The only time they were apart was when Betty was recently hospitalized. During her stay, it became clear that coming home was not an option for Betty. The couple feared they would not be able to stay together. Evergreen Place made it possible for them to have their “happily Ever(Green) after,” ensuring they’ll be together and have a fulfilling lifestyle.
Frank and Mary Ann P.
Lancaster, CA
When Frank Henry P., 84 years young, first met his wife Mary Ann he was totally smitten with her. She felt like he was “just okay,” but their relationship would blossom.
Frank grew up in St. Paul Park, MN. He served 26 years in the military, both in the Air Force and in the U.S. Army.

Mary Ann P., 82 years young, grew up in St Paul, MN. Mary Ann was a radio personality when she met Frank. They were introduced at a party at one of her friend’s houses. At the time, Mary Ann didn’t think much of it, because she was engaged to someone else. However, Frank would prove to be the one for her. Frank and Mary Ann have been married for 63 years. They were married on October 31, 1959. They adopted two daughters, and have two wonderful grandsons.
Mary Ann says the secret to a lasting marriage is “to be very tolerant,” and Frank says it’s “knowing when to be quiet.” They feel they are a great match because they are opposites of each other. Frank is the chatty one and Mary Ann is shy.
One thing that they do wholeheartedly agree on is that they would not trade each other for anything in the world. Mary Ann adds, she “feels like the luckiest lady alive.”
Their love story brings joy to residents and staff at their senior living community, The Havens at Antelope Valley.
Leslie and Rosalie G.
Tucson, AZ
Leslie (Les) B. G. will be 90 years young on May 22, 2023. He was born in Toronto, Canada and attended Central Tech High School, followed by two years of business school. Rosalie Deena G. will be 90 years young on December 12, 2023. She was also born in Toronto, Canada where she attended high school and one year of college at the University of Toronto.
Rosalie and Leslie met in Rochester, New York at a friend’s wedding. The friend asked Les to take one of his friends out for a date, and that friend was Rosalie. “Wow, you are tall,” said Rosalie, upon meeting Leslie. “Wow, you are small,” he replied. They spent $20 on dinner and a movie for their first date.
The rest is history. They were married in Rochester, New York in May of 1956. They have one daughter, one son, and seven grandchildren and were very family-oriented parents.
They shared a happy life together. Les was a sales professional, selling sound equipment and systems. A very outgoing and athletic person, he was also on the Canadian National Ski Patrol, earned a black belt in Judo, and joined an Italian biking group. Rosalie was a whiz at math and at running the family household. She also owned her own children’s clothing store called Playmates, was a mortgage broker, and was a paralegal.
Les loves his wife so much that he can’t let her out of his sight. He states the secret to their marriage is, “trust, communication, and most of all, the love for each other and their family, plus unconditional love for one another.”
James Thomas and Claire L.
Roswell, GA
Ninety-year-old James Thomas (Tom) and 88-year-old Claire L. are truly Valentines forever. They met on a train between Memphis and Knoxville during their college years at The University of Tennessee.
Tom had to go to great lengths to win over “Caddy” (Claire). He bested a rival suitor in a pool game. There was a gentleman’s agreement that whoever lost the game would bow out of the competition for Caddy’s affections. James shares that he would never have honored the agreement if he had lost. Plus, he knew he was a better pool player.

Tom admitted that he had to play hard-to-get when Claire wasn’t sure about going steady. Even though he “played it cool,” in reality, all he thought about was her. His persistence paid off and they were married on September 8, 1956.
They have three daughters: Lynn, Lee, and Mary Ann. Claire worked as a medical social worker, an MSW social work professor, and an academic counselor for adults returning to college. Tom is a lawyer who first worked at the IRS and later as a private practice attorney in estate planning.
They attribute much of their marital success to having so many things that they enjoy together including movies, food, hiking, kayaking, sports, and tv shows.

Some of their favorites are “Some Like it Hot!”, “Tom Jones,” “Bonnie and Clyde,” “Pulp Fiction” and “The Wolf of Wall Street.”
They were always the last to leave the table at Tom’s fraternity house. After almost every dinner Caddy cooked, Tom would say, “This is the best dinner I’ve ever had!”
They also took their daughters on historical hikes around Memphis — and together, they all climbed Mount Le Conte near Gatlinburg, TN. Tom and Claire were among the top finishers in a Mississippi River canoe race, despite being 20 years older than the others in the race.
The couple enjoys watching the Atlanta Hawks play basketball and catching up on MSNBC.
Egon and Janet S.
Roseville, CA
Egon S., a resident in memory care at Sterling Court at Roseville, is 88 years young and married to his bride of 69 years, Janet S., who is 87 and lives in the assisted living area of Sterling Court.
Egon was born in Denmark and moved to Cotati, California at the age of 12. Janet was born and raised in Petaluma, California, and has a twin brother.
Egon and Janet met at a skating rink in Santa Rosa in junior high, and Egon was one grade ahead of Janet in school. Janet confessed she didn’t like him at first because he was too aggressive, and always rushed over to skate/dance with her. However, that eventually changed, and they dated all through high school.
After graduation, they were married on December 13, 1953. Egon worked for P.G.& E. for 43 years, starting out as a meter reader and finishing as a supervisor in the greater Santa Rosa area. Janet worked for Petersen Tractor for 20 years in Willits and later in Ukiah.

They had one daughter and four sons: Kathi, Karl, Ken, Keith, and Kris. Currently, they are the proud grandparents of 12 grandchildren.
When asked what their secret to a lasting marriage is, they feel that doing things together as a couple and a family has been important, as well as holding hands, doing thoughtful things for each other, sharing in raising their children, and always being helpful and loving.
When asked why are they a great match for each other, they say that they like to do the same things like camping, going for long drives, enjoying the same TV shows and movies, playing pinochle for hours, and having a close family.
Janet shares they did a lot with her brother-in-law and sister-in-law too, who also shared similar interests.
One piece of advice they would give a young couple just starting out? “Get to know each other really well before you get married!”
As treasured residents of Sterling Court at Roseville, one can find them at a live entertainment event holding hands, staring at each other, and smiling with the warmth and love you can feel from across the room. They are an example of a beautiful love story that includes others in that circle of love and the beauty that comes from years of fond cherished memories.
Phil and Rebel B.
Fort Worth, TX
Phillip Wayne B. (Phil), aged 70, and Rebecca Ann B. (Rebel), aged 70, both grew up in White Settlement in Tarrant County, Texas, and attended schools in the same district.
Their love story began in high school when they met in their sophomore high school English class at Brewer High School.
“We started the school year with assigned seating and after six weeks, the teacher allowed us to sit anywhere,” shares Rebel. Phil had noticed Rebel since seventh grade, so he chose the desk just behind her. “We had an instant connection,” Phil says.
So much so that they didn’t waste any time. They were married on July 1, 1972, one year after graduating. “We have a boy and a girl, five grandchildren, and one great-granddaughter,” says Rebel.
After graduation, Phil went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in business administration and psychology from Dallas Baptist University and is certified to teach high school mathematics and physical education. He worked for a wholesale floor covering distributor for 18 years, holding various positions and later as a high school teacher and coach for 23 years, teaching Algebra, Algebra II, Geometry, and Pre-Calculus.
Rebel holds an associate’s degree in office system technology and was an administrative assistant for a healthcare computer corporation.
Phil and Rebel believe that their common interests, friendship, and love have all contributed to their 50 years together. It also doesn’t hurt that “it was definitely love at first sight,” the couple says.
Celebrating Love
Pegasus Senior Living celebrates this season of love by honoring the couples whose endearing love stories enrich all who read them. Contact us to learn more about Pegasus Senior Living communities across the country.