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Cordata Court | Senior woman with small dog

Assisted Living Near Lynden, WA

at Cordata Court

Lynden-area assisted living residents enjoy the freedom of choosing what they like to do with their days with expert assistance available when needed. It doesn’t matter if you need a little more help with day-to-day tasks or services. We’re here to elevate you beyond the menial things and get back to an exciting lifestyle of food, friends, and fun!

Benefits of Assisted Living | Lynden, WA Area

Licensed nurse

Medication management

Ongoing monitoring of residents' health statuses

Dressing services

Bathing services

Assistance with dining needs

Behavior tracking and management

Incontinence care/

Diabetic care

Respite care available

Ambulation and escort services

Personal check-ins throughout the day in our care home

On-site physical, occupational, and speech therapy

Enticing events or outings

Schedule a visit to learn more about what we have to offer

Finding Support:

Vern’s Journey to Senior Living


We Help Your Loved Ones Stay Active and Engaged

At Cordata Court, our team knows the importance of staying mentally and physically fit as you age. That’s why we’re a supportive place where seniors from Bellingham and surrounding areas dine and live well, all while comfortably managing the cost of assisted living.

Located in beautiful Lynden, WA, our community is nestled in a serene neighborhood; it’s a peaceful, scenic setting for residents to enjoy. With easy access to attractions in nearby Bellingham, seniors have plenty of opportunities for outings and activities.

We believe being active is the key to a great life, so we offer a wide range of programs. From fitness classes and outdoor excursions to arts and crafts and social events, there’s always something happening here.

Cordata Court | Happy group of seniors
Personalized Care

Community Amenities


Spacious family room

Full-service dining room

Private dining room

Beauty/barber shop

Washers and dryers available for personal use

Located near shopping centers

Close to restaurants offering fine dining

Fully equipped fire safety and sprinkler systems

Handicap accessibility

Pick up a new hobby like fine arts

See all the features you can access at our community

A Cure for Loneliness:

Find Your Circle!


Is it time to talk
about assisted living in the Lynden area?

Take Our Quiz.

Check off the questions
that apply to your loved one.

How does assisted living pricing work?

Learn about all of the quality features your new lifestyle may include.

What is Lynden-area assisted living like?

At Cordata Court assisted living community, you are the VIP.

In contrast to a Lynden nursing home, our community encourages you to retain as much of your independence as possible while we provide 24-hour support for activities of daily living. Live in your own spacious apartment while we take care of the housekeeping, laundry, and cooking. When you let us handle everything, you are free to enjoy the community amenities, learn a new hobby, or join in one of the scheduled activities or outings! And our assisted living community is pet friendly, so bring your best friend too!

Book a tour at your convenience and get to know our team.

We are ready to talk about assisted living in Washington when you are.

The team members take care of my needs as personally as they do my mom’s. They were a godsend in the throes of the move itself: efficient administrators and part time psychologists! 

Daughter of Resident

Fall in Love

With Friendship and Savings

This February, treat yourself to our community's warmth and exclusive move-in discounts; act now!

Move in by February 21st and receive $500 off 3 months rent.*

Use the form below to learn more and schedule your tour.

*Expires 2/21/25

Holiday Cheer:

Our Gift to You

Move in by December 31
and receive
$1000 off three months' rent.*

We are available over the holidays for tours!
Fill out the form to unwrap our limited-time
holiday discounts!

*Free rent applies to base cost only. Care services may be additional charges.

We’re open over
Thanksgiving weekend.

Arrange a tour to get stuffed on savings!

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