The Latest Medical Advancement Allows Us to Further Protect Our Residents and Staff
With the approval of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine this week, Pegasus is taking the steps necessary to ensure a smooth process when it comes to all of their residents and team members receiving COVID-19 vaccinations.

How will the vaccines be distributed?
Although vaccinations will be distributed on a state level, up to 45 states are planning on implementing the recommended CDC protocols that prioritize those living in long-term care communities, which is typically an umbrella term that includes senior living communities.
Our new partnership with OmniCare-CVS
Pegasus will be partnering with Omnicare-CVS to schedule clinics and will be prepared to administer the vaccine to its residents once distribution dates are available.
“It is still a bit early to tell exact dates regarding when our residents and team members will be receiving the vaccinations,” said Justin Wray, VP of Operations for Pegasus. “However, our teams are prepared and ready with our CVS partnership to administer the vaccines as soon as possible.”
What are Pegasus associates doing to help?
As a way to encourage employees to take the vaccine, Pegasus is providing educational materials detailing the benefits and research behind the vaccine.
“Tens of thousands of brave, healthy people around the world agreed to participate in the vaccine clinical trials,” said Dr. Sandra Petersen, Health and Wellness Consultant for Pegasus. “Results were over 90% effective compared to people who didn’t participate. That’s phenomenal when compared to the flu vaccine, which is only 44% effective. Taking this vaccine will honor their participation to follow—and keep us from getting sick.”
Dr. Petersen has been leading the way for Pegasus by advising and managing the company’s healthcare teams since the start of the pandemic.
“If we all tackle this together, we can move past this with a better chance to return back to normal. COVID has impacted too many already. Let’s each do our part to slow this virus,” she added.
What additional measures have we taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19?
Since March 2020 when restrictions began due to the pandemic, Pegasus has been one of the top senior living operators implementing proactive measures and keeping families informed with continuous communication and updates. The company created a COVID webpage with frequent necessary updates as well as emails and calls to families. In addition, Pegasus communities would update families with photos and videos on their Facebook pages of residents participating in socially distanced activities or themed events.

With holidays like Easter, Mother’s Day, and Thanksgiving passing by, Pegasus team members at the community level made sure residents still felt the holiday spirit and saw families at a distance with drive-by parades, window visits, holiday events, and teaching residents how to use technology to FaceTime or Zoom their loved ones.