National Senior Living Operator Empowers the Women Who Define Their Communities
In honor of International Women’s Day 2021, Pegasus Senior Living is thrilled to acknowledge the women in our lives who have played such a significant role in our success and in our society as a whole. From our residents to our team members to our leadership, the women of Pegasus deserve to be recognized and feel empowered every day. Below are a few special women from our communities whom we would like to acknowledge! They either show up every day with a smile on their face, never turn down helping a resident, or they go out of their way to ensure their fellow team members are supported.
Ms. Verna (Bunny) Farmer, Resident, Magnolia Place of Roswell
Air Force Veteran and Pilot

Bunny served in the United States Air Force for six years – first working radar, then as a pilot flying B24 and B36 airplanes. She is the only female resident who served our country and survived two plane crashes during her service. Bunny is our hero!
Ms. Gloria, Resident, Cordata Court
From Beauty to Business

Gloria went from a beauty advisor to a business owner when she bought into the Merle Norman franchise in 1974. She ran her own store until selling it in 1989 so she could go back to school to eventually earn her Human Service degree and became a CNA. Her favorite pastimes are playing the organ and the saxophone.
Mary Donna Ott, Life Enrichment Director, The Renaissance of Florence
“Their gift of sharing life’s wisdom, laughter and friendship has been a blessing to me!”
“When we come to work each day, it’s like coming home to family.”

Mary loves working with seniors and considers it a grand calling to make the days of senior adults happy and meaningful. She feels that it is rewarding to see our residents happily engaged in activities, renewing old friendships and making new ones.
Ms. JoAnn Giolitti, Resident, Magnolia Place of Roswell
“How Can I Help?”

Joann is the vice president of the Resident Council and an Ambassador, which means she lends her opinion in Resident Council meetings and helps new residents settle in and make friends. She is always going above and beyond to help her neighbors. She is a great asset to our community!
Dr. Sandra Petersen, Medical Director of Pegasus
“My goal is to execute the best programming possible to enhance the lives of seniors living with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.”
On International Women’s Day, we wish to share our gratitude to our Medical Director Dr. Sandra Petersen for leading our way through COVID readiness and her commitment to advancing the lives of those with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.

Arlene Hsu, Executive Director, Historic Roswell Place
Leading with Strength and Compassion

In honor of International Women’s Day, there’s no person Historic Roswell Place would like to honor more than Arlene Hsu, our Executive Director! We are proud to work under Arlene’s leadership. She truly makes our community a home. Thank you Arlene for supporting your fellow associates and residents. We love you!
Rebekah, Lead Med Tech, The Rivers at Puyallup
“When I look out into the world, I see so much need that everything within me aches in the desire to care for those needs. And that is my mission and passion.”
In honor of International Women’s Day, we’d like to highlight Rebekah, our Lead Med Tech. She is absolutely dedicated to our residents, their families, and our team here at the Rivers. She describes her influences in life below:
“Growing up there were so many influences in my life that have formed and inspired me. There are two women who I have admired and looked up to and only one who helped shape who I am today. Those women were Mother Teresa and my wonderful Grandmother. I saw such compassion, love, care, understanding, and gentleness that I literally saw in no one else. I also saw a fire in them that fueled a determination to keep moving forward. They chose positivity regardless of what life threw at them. No situation would change who they were and what they poured out for others. When I look out into the world, I see so much need that everything within me aches in the desire to care for those needs. And that is my mission and passion. To bring all that love, care, and compassion with a fire and determination because our residents and their families deserve to have that advocate in their corner.This is my love, this is my passion, this is my dream, this is my life inside and out.”
Ms. Shelby Graveman, Resident, Bridgewood Gardens
“If you put your mind to it, you can do it!”

Her motto is, “if you put your mind to it, you can do it!” She believes women can do anything!
Ms. Kay, Resident, Creston Village

Kay helps others whether they are in a wheelchair, need a hand to open the door, or by just grabbing some coffee. Kay is an exemplary mother. She raised four boys while her husband was in the Air Force. Kay dedicates her life in body and soul to her family.
Saffiatou Faye, Glenwood Village of Overland Park
“It’s important for women to empower other women because they have continuously been fighting for equal pay and rights.”

Sofie was raised by her grandma. Sofie helped her grandma and her granddaddy when she lived in The Gambia, West Africa. When she was helping her grandparents, she realized she had a passion for nursing so she started school. She moved to the United States and went to school in Georgia where she got her PCT, EKG, Phlebotomy, and CCMA license while working in a doctor’s office. She moved to Kansas in 2017 and started at Glenwood. She wanted to go back to a hospital setting but fell in love with caring for the elderly in the community at Glenwood. She says, “it’s important for women to empower other women because they have continuously been fighting for equal pay and rights.”
Katie Nichols, Executive Director, The Chateau at Gardnerville

“Make sure you’re very courageous: be strong, be extremely kind, and above all be humble.”
Jessica Imelli, Assistant Executive Director, The Chateau at Gardnerville

-Michelle Obama
Ms. Claudia Porter, Resident, Historic Roswell Place
“When kids feel good about themselves, they grow.”

Claudia’s belief is, “when kids feel good about themselves, they grow.” She stayed focused on her school and was very successful.
Regina Farrand, Med Tech Lead, Evergreen Place
I believe with God all things are possible.

“Women are very special because we are nurturers by nature and I’ve always been very blessed with a kind heart. So I truly value my heart and I’m honored to be of service for humankind!”
Decarra Johnson, HHA Aide, Evergreen Place
“We are strong, hard-working women.”
“What Women’s History Month means to me is celebrating how far we have come and all the accomplishments along the way.”

Megan Lindner, Business Office Manager, Evergreen Place
“I would like to be remembered as someone who accomplished useful deeds, and who was a kind and loving person. I would like to leave the memory of a human being with a correct attitude and who did her best to help others.’” – Grace Kelly

Gloria Darby, Health & Wellness Director, The Courtyards at Mountain View
“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” -Martin Luther King Jr.

“Women’s History Month means giving the younger generation the ability to see how far we have come. Years ago, women did not have the same opportunities as men had when it came to having a career and voting. Now women are CEOs of companies, able to vote, and have the same rights and opportunities as men.”
Carmen, Housekeeper, Sun City West Assisted Living
“Women can be great leaders thanks to their devotion and hard work. I have accomplished so much by believing that we can be whatever we want to be.”
Carmen has provided our community 17 years of compassion, dedication, and building relationships with our residents.

Evelyn Herbert, Resident Council President, Ridgmar Place
Strong and Courageous
With all of the trials and tribulations of 2020, Evelyn lost her husband and her brother weeks apart at the end of 2020, as well as having numerous health issues herself. Through this pain, despair, and chaos, she has continued to honor and serve the residents and staff of Ridgmar Place by continually showing up for anyone in need.
She led the Resident Council’s effort in securing the highest amount ever for the Employee Appreciation Fund given to hourly associates every Christmas. Evelyn writes a bi-weekly newsletter called PAL – People Adding Life – for residents. She handmade holiday and birthday cards that are absolutely beautiful. She also extended the current Resident Council members for another year as she felt they didn’t get to accomplish everything they wanted because of COVID-19.

Sandy Wooden, former Ridgmar Place resident and Resident Council member (Life Enrichment Liaison)
A strong, independent woman who had an incredible zest for life.

Sandy was an extremely outgoing resident here at Ridgmar Place. Our Life Enrichment Director remembered first meeting Sandy on the first day we were able to start exercise classes after COVID-19 hit in March. “We moved the classes to the dining room to ensure social distancing and there she was, the first and only resident in the dining room to help me set up. I had never even met her. She moved in right after COVID hit and we were on lockdown. Sandy was always lending a helping hand to everyone she met. She had no idea that she was acting as a New Resident Ambassador – she didn’t even know that was a thing! She helped everyone and came to every class while encouraging everyone she met to attend class. Sandy had so many ideas for activities to get residents involved. She helped new residents unpack and invited new residents to eat with her. She brought new residents or residents in need with her to events and helped them. She was a bright spot in every day that she lived here and she loved butterflies! Sandy passed away in early 2021 and she is missed every single day.
Jennifer Brown-Hodge, Sales Director, Town Village Crossing (Formerly Ridgmar Place)
Radiating with Kindness and Compassion

Jennifer took time to get to know the residents and listened to them, recording their stories and making videos of them. Jennifer loved working with seniors and it showed in how she accomplished her job. She saw each resident as a person with a story, and a worthwhile story no matter what. Jennifer volunteered to teach classes such as acting and drum cardio while jumping in and covering anywhere that was needed. She has a true heart for seniors and it shows in everything she does. We know the seniors at Town Village Crossing love her to pieces and we miss her here tremendously!
Lynn Hamilton, Life Enrichment Partner, Ridgmar Place
A Heart of Gold

She goes out of her way to help them when they need it. Lynn runs our “Nook” – our community store. She makes sure the residents get what they need and want. During the past year with COVID-19, she went above and beyond. Taking care of the residents and keeping them safe and healthy was her top priority! She pitched in doing every job in the community, from front desk to delivery to dining room server. She went where she was needed and showed true strength and determination to help make sure all residents were taken care of. This is an amazing trait that Lynn has and our community is blessed to have her!
Cassandra Allen, Health & Wellness Director, The Renaissance of Florence
“Whatever the need, we all pull together and make it happen!”
Cassandra Allen is our Health and Wellness Director. She has worked at this community since it was built in 1999. What she loves most about working with seniors is their wisdom. We are like family here at The Renaissance!
Jennifer Reding, Sales & Marketing Director, The Renaissance of Florence
“Home isn’t a place, it’s a feeling.”

“I love working with seniors. When I can help a family find a better and safer solution for their loved one, seeing the look of relief and happiness on their face is priceless! I love working in this community! I feel like my coworkers are my family, and our residents are like grandparents to me.”
Hilda Richardson, Business Office Manager, The Renaissance of Florence
“I look forward to coming to work.”

They have so many stories to share and we can all learn so much from them. I love working here because there is a great spirit of teamwork. The associates love the residents, and it shows. Everyone is willing to pitch in and help. It is great to see the smiles on the faces of both associates and residents.”
Dedra Wells, Dining Service Manager, The Renaissance of Florence
“We are the BEST!”

“What I love most about working with seniors is seeing them enjoy their meals. I love the feeling of fulfillment when I see them enjoying the food I’ve prepared for them. I love it when we put on special events and you can hear the excitement in the atmosphere. I enjoy creating a large food display that corresponds with the décor and entertainment for the event. I love working for The Renaissance of Florence. The residents, my co-workers, and my staff are like my family. Our teamwork makes the dream work.”
Debi Williams, Concierge, The Renaissance of Florence
“We’re a team, a good team.”

“I love working with our seniors because they have a lifetime of knowledge they are willing to share. The Renaissance is not a place to get old, it’s a place where people can enjoy life with the love and support they need. I love all the residents I work for and all the people I work with.”
Astarr Mangskau, Resident Care Coordinator, The Oaks at Inglewood
“Women’s History Month shows that women’s rights and opinions matter and are important.”

“My integrity, morals, and faith allow me to always strive to give my best to our residents, friends and family.”
Eilene Zachry, Resident, The Gardens at Marysville
Businesswoman, Board Member, and Musician

She owned her own businesses buying and selling rental houses in 1974 called Zachry Enterprises as well as buying property and other assets in the ’80s called Gleneil Diversified Industries. Ms. Eilene served on the Snohomish County Economic Board, Board of Smokey Point community church, and was a member of the Concerned Women of America, to name a few. She was also a State Rep and State Treasurer of Val Stevens. She has traveled to 27 countries and is also a very instrumental musician. Eilene has been married for 73 years and has four children.
Jasmine Muehe, Associate, Sterling Court at Roseville
Women’s Day is a day to remember what women can do.

“I would work with my dad doing construction work and the next day go to the office with my mom. Some challenges we still face today are that women aren’t meant to be taken seriously. One of the privileges is most women are believed to be more “trustworthy” especially when it comes to children. One pet peeve of mine is to be asked, “why are you so moody, are you on your monthly?” To me it represents the fact that if I’m being moody that something hormonal is wrong and not anything else. My biggest advice is to not take no for an answer and to always push the limits of what you think you’re capable of.”
Isayana O., Receptionist, Whispering Winds of Apple Valley
“Tough times don’t last, only tough people do.”
“I am a proud daughter of immigrants. My parents grew up in Central America. My mom immigrated to the US when she was only 14 or 15. My parents started a new life here but my mom raised me on her own after my dad passed away. She is an inspiration to me and I am who I am because of her.”