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The Rivers at Puyallup | Residents baking cookies

Assisted Living Near Bonney Lake

at The Rivers at Puyallup

Weekly housekeeping, personal laundry, three delicious meals plus snacks daily, enticing events, and scheduled transportation are just the beginning. Think assisted living is the same as a nursing home? Think again!

Benefits of Assisted Living | Bonney Lake Area

Restaurant-style dining

Three freshly-prepared meals daily

Licensed care professionals on-site 24 hours a day

Medication management

Ongoing monitoring of residents' health statuses

Dressing services

Bathing services

Assistance with dining needs

Behavior tracking and management

Incontinence care/

Diabetic care

Respite care available

Ambulation and escort services

Shopping, medical, and church transportation

Personal check-ins throughout the day in our care home

On-site physical, occupational, and speech therapy

Enticing events and outings close to Bonney Lake, Tacoma, and Sumner

Schedule a visit with a senior care professional today

Finding Support:

Vern’s Journey to Senior Living


We Help Your Loved Ones Stay Active and Engaged

Our caring team at The Rivers at Puyallup knows the importance of staying mentally and physically fit as you age. That’s why we’re a supportive place where seniors in Washington dine and live well, all while comfortably managing the cost of assisted living.

Located in beautiful Puyallup, WA, our community is nestled in a serene neighborhood of Pierce County; it’s a peaceful, scenic setting for residents to enjoy. With easy access to attractions in nearby Bonney Lake, Tacoma, and Sumner, seniors have plenty of opportunities for outings and activities.

We believe being active is the key to a great life, so we offer a wide range of programs. From fitness classes and outdoor excursions to arts and crafts and social events, there’s always something happening here.

Community Amenities

Outdoor courtyard and gardening areas


Spacious family room

Full-service dining room

Private dining room

Beauty/barber shop

Washers and dryers available for personal use

Located near shopping and fine dining

Fully-equipped fire safety and sprinkler systems

Handicap accessibility

Pick up a new hobby, such as visual arts

Contact us to find your way around our entire community


Find Your Circle!


Is it time to talk
about elder care services near Bonney Lake?

Take Our Quiz.

Check off the questions
that apply to your loved one.

How does pricing for assisted living options work?

Learn about all of the quality features your new lifestyle may include.

The Rivers at Puyallup | Happy senior woman eating breakfast

What do assisted living care services in Puyallup, WA offer?

Our assisted living community is here to provide comfort and stimulation every day.

With our passionate medical elder care services and monthly calendars full of activities, family members rest easy. In retirement, assisted living at The Rivers at Puyallup enhances seniors’ lives by providing medication management, specific offerings like diabetic care, activities of daily living such as dressing, bathing, and/or grooming, and more.

Book a tour at your convenience and get to know our team.

We are ready when you are.

Holiday Cheer:

Our Gift to You

Move in by December 31
and receive up to
one month of free rent.*

We are available over the holidays for tours!
Fill out the form to unwrap our limited-time
holiday discounts!

*Free rent applies to base cost only. Care services may be additional charges.

We’re open over
Thanksgiving weekend.

Arrange a tour to get stuffed on savings!

Take a Look Around!

Why not explore our vibrant senior living community from the comfort of your own home?

Take a virtual tour with just one click and see what makes us special.

Start a Great Year With Savings!

Fill out the form below for exclusive savings opportunities and incentives on a new home for you or a loved one!

What do you want out of 2024?
We’re here to help

Start your great year today by filling out the form and saving!

Tell The Kids You’re Going to The Rivers at Puyallup for Thanksgiving!
We are open this weekend, and we're rolling out the red carpet for you to experience our community's unique blend of warmth, support, and savings.

Request a Tour this Weekend:

Christmas in July

Move in by July 15th: December rent FREE and $1500 pack & move!*

Move in by July 31st: December rent FREE!*

*Discount applies to base rent only on an Assisted Living apartment.

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